How To File A Complaint Against A Freight Broker Business

Has your Trucking company been adversely affected by working with a freight broker company or 3pl logistics company? If you want to learn how to file a complaint against a freight broker then there is help for you. FreightBrokerComplaint.com is here to help you with the process of collecting or changing a wrong doing that has happened to your trucking business.
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"
How Does It Work?
How To Start The Process Of Justice For Your Trucking Company

The Process of filing a complaint case against a freight broker is simple. You fill up a case form and submit it to us. We review the case and contact you and go over the case file in more detail. Once we have finished reviewing the information, we will contact the affecting freight broker company and submit the case against their organization for resolution. Once the process is finished, we will leave a review on on our site to display the case against the freight broker firm and the outcome of the resolution along with a rating of the freight broker business.
Why File A Case Against A Freight Broker ?
Freight Broker firms build their broker business off their reputation. In many cases their are great freight broker companies who have a few bad freight brokers in their firm. Sometimes the owners and managers of these broker firms are unaware if one of their freight brokers treated your trucking business unprofessionally and caused your trucking business to loose revenue. We have seen that the majority of these cases can be handled quickly and resolution can be obtained on your trucking company behalf.
If your case is not handled properly and we feel that you have been legally affected and there is loss of revenue due to bad conduct or misrepresentation from the freight broker, we will then help you with pursuing the case with the FMCSA and DOT regulatory. Most freight broker business do not want this to happen and neither do we, so our goal is to bring the case to some sort of resolution that is beneficial for both parties.